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Lewandowski vs Bitcoin. Polish footballer the "hero" of a scam

Cryptocurrencies have generated a lot of interest among investors and technology fans since the beginning, but they are also at the center of numerous scams.

Some of them use the image of famous people to entice new users. Today we'll trace how a scammer tries to use the positive image of Robert Lewandowski, Business Pulse and Bitcoin to steal.

Lewandowski and Bitcoin - is the captain of the Polish national soccer team investing in cryptocurrencies?

Kuba Wojewódzki, Robert Lewandowski and Bitcoin are the main characters of a rather popular scam related to cryptocurrencies. Although the Polish footballer actually appeared on the popular talk-show, the topic of Bitcoin investment was not mentioned at the time.

This, however, did not stop scammers from preparing articles describing Robert Lewandowski's new way to make money, which was even supposed to "terrify" the major banks.

fake news scammer who uses Lewandowski's image and bitcoin
Oh no! Robert Lewandowski reveals a cool new investment that makes millions of Poles rich.

However, there is no evidence of Robert Lewandowski's interest in the cryptocurrency market, and the footballer himself has not commented on the subject. Articles even state that banks are about to ban such investments, which of course has nothing to do with the truth.

Moreover, similar content describes alleged activities in the cryptocurrency market performed by other celebrities. Most often, only the name and surname are changed - the rest of the text remains the same.

Given such brazen scams, the new April 2022 EU law on banning anonymous wallets is starting to make a little more sense. Perhaps we cryptocurrency enthusiasts are living in a bubble, unaware of how many people are being fooled by such scams.

Business Pulse and Lewandowski: daily responds to fake news

Although Bitcoin was not mentioned once during Robert Lewandowski 's visit to Kuba Voivodship in 2019, the scam managed to quickly gain considerable popularity. Shortly thereafter, "Puls Biznesu" published a correction on its website about articles purporting to show how Robert Lewandowski had spoken about Bitcoin. Journalists of the popular business daily also added some tips to help identify false information.

warning about bitcoin scam "on Lewandowski"
It is not Puls Biznesu or Lewandowski that publishes these famous scams.

To verify such information, it is worth starting by checking the information at the source. Although the crafted content is deceptively reminiscent of the "Pulse of Business" website, one will not find any information linking Robert Lewandowski to Bitcoin.

Instead of dealing with these precarious projects of investing through strange celebrity-recommended platforms, trust the most popular exchanges (such as Binance) or Bitcoin ATMs that allow you to withdraw cash quickly on the spot. You can find them in Warsaw and other Polish cities.

Bitcoin Profit: Lewandowski advertising the platform?

The figure of the Polish soccer player has been used for sites such as Bitcoin Profit and Bitcoin Trader, among others. Lewandowski allegedly used such platforms to invest in cryptocurrencies. As in the case of the statement with Kuba Wojewódzki, this type of activity did not take place. The image of the Polish soccer player was used illegally to inspire confidence among Internet users.

Such techniques are very commonly used in scams related to cryptocurrencies. The appearance of statements made by well-known and respected people can effectively convince users to use a particular tool, even when they are completely untrue. This is a particularly effective type of scam that relies on the influence of authority on the decisions made by potential customers.

Bitcoin and Lewandowski - how to recognize fraud in the cryptocurrency market?

To increase credibility, scammers often impersonate reputable websites and newspapers. One example is precisely the "Pulse of Business", which was used to spread a scam with Robert Lewandowski. However, it is worth remembering that such publications very rarely advertise financial products, especially in such a pushy way as is the case with cryptocurrency investment platforms.

Most often, fake news of this kind is sent in the form of screenshots, which makes it somewhat difficult to verify quickly. If you want to be sure that the text was actually published by the source, you should first of all check the official website and social media profiles.

How else can we recognize a scam? Many fake sites look and act in a very similar way. Examples can be listed endlessly - some of the most famous are Bitcoin Trader, Bitcoin Rush, Bitcoin Profit or Bitcoin Era. Lewandowski, Bill Gates, Richard Branson - these are just a few of the many people who may appear in the content of such sites.

However, their statements are usually completely fictionalized; in some cases they may be true, but they refer to the entire cryptocurrency market instead of a specific platform.

dangerous bitcoin scammers site Era
If you see this window, you should close the browser as soon as possible.

Automatic translations are also among the typical features of such sites, as well as a very simple registration process, which usually does not even include verification of the veracity of the data.

Sometimes we may also encounter a countdown at the top of the page - after a certain period of time the possibility to register is supposed to be blocked, although in the vast majority of cases the counter simply stops or resets. We should also be wary of any declarations of constant high profit without any effort.

Lewandowski at Kuba's about Bitcoin is just one of many scams - caution is key

How to verify that the capabilities of a particular platform actually match what is presented on the website? The most reliable option is to create an account, but it is worth refraining from providing real personal information. Among other things, many scammers make money by selling entered phone numbers, so we may face numerous unwanted calls from telemarketers in the future. However, most fraudulent investment platforms have no problem with providing false information when registering - the forms are usually not subject to any verification.

After test registration with false data, we can first of all find out whether the platform actually works. Very often it turns out that the site is just a way to redirect to a broker's site of dubious reputation. By providing a real phone number, we would have already received a phone call urging us to deposit funds into the account.

Usually the minimum amount is $250 or euros, and after a while we can see the increase - as with other elements of this type of site, it is completely false. However, most victims of scammers find out about this only when they try to withdraw.

Brokers linked to sites advertising cryptocurrency auto-investment platforms are most often registered in countries with very loose investment regulations. Even so, it is worth reporting any fraud to the relevant authorities - this applies both to the platforms themselves and to the unlawful use of third-party images for advertising purposes.

If you are a user of Bitcoin ATM, who would like to learn more about security in the Bitcoin world, we recommend a recent article on a new type of attack called What is a Dust Attack - and how to prevent it.

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